Get It in Writing

John Douglas MacArthur

Long interested in practical neuroscience, John researched and wrote
The Human Brain for the Franklin Institute Science Museum.

Soy and the Brain
"Tofu Shrinks Brain!" No science fiction scenario, this sobering soybean revelation is for real. But how did the "poster bean" of the '90s go wrong? Apparently, in many ways. None of which bode well for the brain.
Wise Traditions, Fall 2000.

Cell Phones and the Brain: How Electricity Affects Biology
This comprehensive report reviews evidence for how electromagnetic fields interact with biological processes.
Townsend Letter, July 2002.

Too Much Copper, Too Little Zinc, and Cognitive Deterioration in Alzheimer's Disease
Inorganic copper from drinking water and multivitamin supplements may be a causal factor in the growing prevalence of Alzheimer's disease. (co-written with George J. Brewer MD)

Overdosed: Fluoride, Copper and Alzheimer's Disease
Townsend Letter, October 2013.

Fluoride and Mental Decay: Causation & Correlation
Townsend Letter, October 2019.

Most of his neuroscience reports are published in Mind Over Gray Matter:
Practical Neuroscience to Enrich Your Life

Table of Contents
& Readers Write

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Preterm birth is the "leading cause of long-term neurological disabilities in children."

In 2013, I began focusing on pregnancy and neurodevelopment:

Fluoride, Premature Birth and Impaired Neurodevelopment, Townsend Letter, November 2013.
A global review of recent laboratory, clinical, and ecological evidence that fluoride is a significant risk factor for premature birth and long-term neurological disabilities in children.

Placental Fluorosis: Fluoride and Preeclampsia, Townsend Letter, May 2015.
New research and diverse evidence implicate fluoride and fluorosis in the pathogenesis of preeclampsia, the dangerous pregnancy complication caused by the abnormal placenta..

Prenatal Fluoride and Autism, Townsend Letter, April 2016.
Fluoride swallowed in amniotic fluid may disrupt colonization and composition of bacteria in the fetal GI tract – adversely affecting neurological and immunological development.

This lead to a book published in 2017: Pregnancy and Fluoride Do Not Mix

Next came a website Pregnancy and Fluoride Do Not Mix
that highlights and updates evidence that validates the need and
the right of families to know the many risks of prenatal fluoride.

See Fluoridated Water is Risk for Premature Birth for supporting evidence.

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2023: Drinking Fluoridated Tap Water
May Increase Your Risk for COVID-19

Fluoride Factors in COVID-19 and Underlying Conditions – Introduction
Fluoride Factors in COVID-19 and Endothelial Dysfunction

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25th Anniversary of in 2023

John's website about the history, symbolism, and relevance
of America's Great Seal first went online in 1998. now has more than 100 pages & 300 images,
including several works of art John commissioned, including:

"a more perfect union"

In 2004, John was invited to give a slide show presentation
about the Great Seal during the 300th anniversary of Harriton House,
home of Charles Thomson, principal designer of the Great Seal.

In 2017 at Thomson's home in Bryn Mawr Pennsylvania, John was interviewed
about the Great Seal for a BBC documentary. Please watch "The Man Who Told the Truth,"
the compelling story of an Irish orphan who became a central figure in the American Revolution.

There's more to this Pyramid
that meets the Eye

Environmental Reports

We are the Whirled

Recover the Earth             Save the Seed

Read John's conversation with Ben Franklin about how the U.S. Constitution can help us
combat lead, an age-old enemy of the brain – inspired by Michael Diamond's book:
If You Can Keep It: A Constitutional Roadmap to Environmental Security

Also published by the Franklin Institute:
Musing with Mac

"She brought in her hand as a pledge of her love,
and the plant she named Liberty Tree." – Thomas Paine (1775)
Listen to a rousing rendition of Paine's song recorded in 1975
in this video with dozens of historic images.

Freestyle Coloring Books

Laugh Tears

Don't Cook This Book

Away With Words

My Whitney Portfolio

Malibu Light

Albion, My Way

Climb Glastonbury Tor

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A Way With Words


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contactjdmac (@) gmail (.) com